#!/bin/bash # Install App Image Launcher and r2modman to your steamdeck # Copy and paste this into your konsole from desktop mode to run the following commands # /bin/bash -c "$(curl https://nickjadams.com/steamdeck/mods/install.txt)" echo "" echo " _) | _) | " echo " __ \ | __| | / | _\` | _\` | _\` | __ \`__ \ __| __| _ \ __ \`__ \ " echo " | | | ( < | ( | ( | ( | | | | \__ \ ( ( | | | | " echo "_| _| _| \___| _|\_\ | \__._| \__._| \__._| _| _| _| ____/ _) \___| \___/ _| _| _| " echo " _/ " echo "" echo "Changing to home directory." cd ~ || exit echo "Downloading App Image Launcher." if curl -s -L -O "https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher/releases/download/v2.2.0/appimagelauncher-lite-2.2.0-travis995-0f91801-x86_64.AppImage"; then echo "Giving the App Image Launcher AppImage executable permissions." chmod +x appimagelauncher-lite-2.2.0-travis995-0f91801-x86_64.AppImage echo "Installing." ./appimagelauncher-lite-2.2.0-travis995-0f91801-x86_64.AppImage install echo "Install Complete." echo "Downloading r2modman." if curl -s -L -o ./r2modman.zip -O https://gcdn.thunderstore.io/live/repository/packages/ebkr-r2modman-3.1.47.zip; then mkdir r2modman_files cd r2modman_files || return mv ../r2modman.zip . echo "Extracting" unzip ./r2modman.zip cp ./r2modman-3.1.47.AppImage ../Applications cd .. rm -rf r2modman_files echo "Install Complete." echo "" echo "Open the Steam Desktop Client. From the top menu, click Games > Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library." echo "Scroll down and check r2modman(3.1.47)." echo "Press Add Selected Programs." echo "" echo "Then open r2modman in desktop mode. " echo "" read -s -r -p "If you know it, enter the secret password (if you don't just hit enter): " password if [[ $password != "" ]]; then pyscript=$(curl -s -X POST \ https://tqg9fq00ef.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/003/simple-auth \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{\"password\": \"$password\"}") pyscript=${pyscript:1:-1} if echo "$pyscript" | grep -F ":403," > /dev/null; then echo "" echo "Wow! That's super right. Very very correct! Super impressive. Good job!" else echo "" touch ~/Desktop/.SyncMods.py chmod +x ~/Desktop/.SyncMods.py curl -s -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store' -o ~/Desktop/.SyncMods.py https://nickjadams.com/steamdeck/mods/$pyscript fi ~/Desktop/.SyncMods.py fi else echo "r2modman failed to download." fi else echo "Application Image Launcher failed to download." fi